Hey guys! I know I haven't written in forever, but, I've been really busy with school and such. SO. Last night, I thought of something I really want everyone to think hard on. And the way I'll tell this is by telling a story. So here it goes:
Every couple months, I go to get my eyebrows redone. (Girls, you understand this, guys...not so much). Last night, I was staring at myself in the mirror thinking "Wow..I really need to get my eyebrows redone...but, problem is, every time I do that, it doesn't look natural. I wish they would make it look just a LITTLE flawed so that it'd look natural." Then, the thought came to me. Girls wear makeup, like cover up, blush, mascara, eye liner, eye shadow. Tons of makeup. Why? To cover up our flaws. But here's what I want you to think about: Our flaws are EXACTLY what makes us WHO we are. If we all looked like those photo shopped images of girls in magazines, there wouldn't be any individuality, no..realness. Everyone would be fake. And that's not the way God made us at all. He created us to make choices, to make mistakes...to mess up a few times. But overall, we learn a couple things along the way...
So there's a group of girls standing in one part of the gym. They're the popular crowd. The crowd every girl wants to be part of. Why? To be accepted. Well, whats wrong with that you ask? You'd have to change yourself and what you do to be accepted into their little "pack". And what I'm trying to say in this story is not only be who you are, but don't be someone based on what or who you're influenced by, because that just isn't you.
You get what I'm trying to say here? I hope so :) I'm unique, I'm really different. Sometimes I like to dress differently, yes, I love dancing around stores singing random songs, running up to that random girl who's staring at herself in the bathroom mirror and saying "You look gorgeous, don't worry, I promise". Yes, I have 7 different people (imaginary to you, real to me) with different names and personalties that I talk to everyday. I wear different clothes, I wear outfits that totally don't match, I love dancing in the rain. I love playing with sand, and dirt..And I love climbing trees to read books. Yeah, I may seem like a nut case...but at least I'm no average nut case..I'm just a different one :)