Sunday, July 17, 2011

July 17, 2011

Sometimes it's nice to think you're not like everyone else. To look in the mirror and SEE that you're different. But other times it's the most wretched thing in the world, because sometimes being different...means being alone.

What makes someone strong? I'm not talking about the physical kind of strength. I mean emotionally. Is it trust? Faith? Love? Perhaps all three? Or should the question be what makes someone weak? Hurt, pain, fear? Perfect Love casts out all fear, therefore, logically, I can conclude that perfect Love would also "cast out" weakness. But then I can also see that fear is only part of weakness. How do you cast out pain and hurt? Many ask the question, but no one seems to know the answer. How can someone go through a world of hurt, but still love, trust, or believe? How can someone go through that and still remain the same? The answer is quite simple - it's not possible. Or is it?