The night before you died I held your hand and told you my biggest fear...I knew you were sleeping and I knew you were never going to open your eyes to me again. I knew you weren't gunna make it past Wednesday. I told you I was afraid I would forget. I was afraid others would forget. I made many promises that I've tried very hard to keep. Dad...this morning as I was doing my homework I saw your picture and I tried to remember you. Dad I'm so so sorry I can't remember your laugh and I can't remember how you talked to me. Please, God, please I can't forget him...I can't let go. Not yet.
Dad, just as the tears are running down my cheeks and just as I can't breathe and just as there's a pain in my chest: I remember you were the greatest man I've ever known. I remember I loved you so so much. I remember that you loved your family as much as life itself. I miss you dad...and I love you.
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