Saturday, December 26, 2009

Day Two

Well, yesturday I posted a reaallly In any case, I didn't get to finish. My last question was "what am I afraid of?"
I'm currently camping out in my living room, because there wasn't enough space else where. While lying there on the couch, bundled up in blankets, staring at the Christmas tree, I realized...What I'm really afraid of is not my dad dying, our money situation, or anything like that. What I'm really afraid of is change. I know it sounds a little weird, but if you think about it, it makes sense.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm used to this life, right now. I'm used to coming home and seeing my dad sitting there, on the couch, waiting for us...If that goes away, there is no order, nothing that I'm completly sure of...

I'm pretty sure I'll be back on later, but I just wanted to get that off my mind. Or, I just wanted to write it so I wouldn't forget... :D

Once again, Please comment, I love hearing from you

feel free to email me at


  1. I can't stand change myself either. Takes a thinker to figure it out though. As an outlet for soul searching, I'd say this is a pretty solid blog. You'll show people how self absorbed they are when they see what real hurt. Thank you.

  2. Thank you :) I spend most of my time by myself, so I do a lot of thinking. It is my hope that people can read this and find comfort in knowing life really isn't that bad! :D

  3. 1). What led your dad to teach at our school?

    2). How did Jesus save you (Lilly)?

    3). How did Jesus save your dad?

    4). Do you like New York or Texas better?

    5). Does your dad like NY or TX better?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Lauren -
    1) The deal was that as soon as we moved to Texas, Dad would get a job :) Teaching was something he loved and we knew he could do.
    2) I was "brainwashed" (as my dad puts it) when I was little, so there was nothing else I believed in :) It took me until I was eight years old to actually turn to Christ though.
    3) My dad made a covenant with God in 1985 saying that if God would help him stop smoking, he would never smoke again, and he would become a believer.
    4) I love Texas because of all the friends I have, but I really miss New York. Now, if I could take all my friends back to New York with me, I would :D
    5) My dad says he loves Texas! In other words - He likes it here better :)

  6. Mary Kay: Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. Your blog is really inspiring, and I look forward to reading more throughout 2010, assuming you'll still be doing it then. :)
    Until then,

  7. Thanks Taylor! I love hearing from you guys, and that was my hope - to inspire you and try to help you out. =) hopefully thats what I'm doing!



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