Wednesday, January 20, 2010

January 20th

Hi all :) Well, first of all, today is inauguration day (the day that President Obama was sworn into office)...I can't believe it's been a whole year since he was inaugurated! Time seems to be flying...7th and 8th grade have gone by so seems like just yesterday I was sitting in the classroom on the first day of school, loosing my mind because I was so nervous...what was my first day going to be like? Was 8th grade going to be hard? I wonder if these new people will like me...I hope I pass this year...I had a really hard time last year...I don't know where time goes...but I do know that the next weeks with my dad are going to fly by really quickly! He came home today, and right now we have a nurse over at our house trying to give us instructions on how to take care of him, and that kind of thing...tonight I went into his room and watched him sleeping there on his hospital memories go back to when I was in 5th grade, the summer time, and we didn't even know he had cancer...we didn't know what kind of trials and tribulations were coming up ahead...Looking at my dad standing there, laughing at my brother doing a belly flop into the pool...I never realized...that...sooner than I thought, that man I've looked up to all my life...might not be there fore me one day. These are the kinds of memories I would like to remember my dad by...the kind of memories that no matter what happens...I'll always remember them :) The kind of thing I can look back on when I'm older and say "I was so blessed to have such and awesome guy as my dad..." The kind of thing that makes me proud to go running into his arms and look up into his eyes and say "Daddy...I love you" know that no matter what I do...He'll always love me too...


  1. This is so simply, beautifully written, my friend. You've made me cry. I am so glad that you can so this about your father.

  2. Thank you "L" :) haha it's ok, we all make typos sometimes! :D Including me....


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