Friday, November 12, 2010

November 12, 2010

SO I just realized we only have one more week until we get a break for thanksgiving! YAY :D The break is only one week long, but at least it's something right? It'll be nice to have some time off to spend with my family, it seems we haven't spent time together for a long while. What are you guys planning on doing with your family/friends for thanksgiving??

Oh, and another thing! It's approaching the time where I've been blogging for a year! I'm not sure what I'll do for that...probably nothing. But it'll be pretty monumental that I've stuck with a journal for...that long. Except for my 6th grade journal that our homeroom teacher made us write..But see nothing was happening at the time, so...There really wasn't anything meaningful in there :p So nothing really important to talk about today. Oh, but there is something really funny that happened yesterday..

So my mom and I were in the grocery store yesterday and we were walking through a kind of thin isle, and my mom knocked over some kind of "display box", which spilled at least 100 spices all over the floor. She looked at me in panic and I just said "Walk away, WALK AWAY"
... unfortunately she dropped her keys at our "crime scene" so..we didn't cover up to well.

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